– Sunday @ 8:00 & 10:00 am
– Saturday @ 5:00 pm (anticipated)
– Wednesday @ 8:00 am
– Holy Thursday @ 7:00 pm
– Good Friday @ 7:00 pm
– Easter Vigil @ 7:30pm
Men’s Retreat We want to invite all men of the parish to join us for the annual St. Cronan’s Men’s Retreat. The retreat will be held at the Griesedieck farm once again this year on the weekend of March 21 – 23. Please come to all or part of the retreat. This year the Griesedie…Read More
Men’s Retreat We want to invite all men of the parish to join us for the annual St. Cronan's Men's Retreat. The retreat will be held at the Griesedieck farm once again this year on the weekend of March 21 - 23. Please come to all or part of the retreat. This year the Griesedieck family is inviting each of us who come out to the retreat to make a contribution of $75 which helps support the upkeep of the farm. This year we will be reflecting on how we are doing and how the Gospel is inviting us to respond to these times we are living in. Please contact me if you have any questions and let me know if you can attend and whether you are coming out for all or part of the weekend. Much peace! Rocky Sieben [email protected]