gray stones
Men’s Retreat

Men’s Retreat We want to invite all men of the parish to join us for the annual St. Cronan's Men's Retreat.  The retreat will be held at the Griesedieck farm once again this year on the weekend of March 21 - 23.  Please come to all or part of the retreat.  This year the Griesedieck family is inviting each of us who come out to the retreat to make a contribution of $75 which helps support the upkeep of the farm.  This year we will be reflecting on how we are doing and how the Gospel is inviting us to respond to these times we are living in.   Please contact me if you have any questions and let me know if you can attend and whether you are coming out for all or part of the weekend.  Much peace!  Rocky Sieben


A group of people standing around a buffet line
Church Assembly & Community Potluck

Welcome to our new Community Life Coordinator, Johnny Zokovitch!

All St. Cronan community members are invited to a Church Assembly & Community Potluck on Sunday, March 30th after the 10:00 am mass to welcome our new Community Life Coordinator Johnny Zokovitch, who started on February 23rd. The Assembly is an opportunity for the St. Cronan community to learn more about Johnny's background and perspective on the role, share input on their expectations and hopes for the CLC position, and ask questions about the transition to lay leadership. The Assembly will be held in the Coffee & Donuts room.  To contribute to the potluck, please contact the church office 314-289-9384.

a green toy bus on a yellow background
Black History Tours

Black History Tours:  STL Black History Tours are planned for these dates for spring of 2025.  Please advertise this in your network.
*       March 29
*       April 5
As in the past, the procedure to sign-up is to send tour date, the name, email address, and phone number to me. It is fine with me if you want to hold a block of seats for your group and you can serve as the liaison to your group.
The tour will be the same as previous.  The group will meet at St Cronan Catholic Church at 9:30 AM and bus will leave around 10 AM and return to St Cronan at 1 PM.  There will be an optional brown bag lunch and discussion following, for those interested.
Please let Paul know if you have any questions.  Paul Loida,

St. Vincent de Paul Pancake Breakfast

The Annual SVdP Pancake Breakfast will take place on May. 4 from 8:30am-12:30pm.  All are welcome!  No cost, but donations will be accepted.  Live music will be provided by The Cat's Meow.  All proceeds benefit St. Vincent de Paul of St. Cronan.  

Lenten Creativity Gatherings

Join us for an evening of contemplative crafting and community building on Friday, April 4th. Gather at St. Cronan's Parish Hall anytime after 7pm. We will have some materials available, and you are invited to bring some of your own to use or share. We will have also have questions for reflection, but the space is yours to let the Spirit move you as you create. No experience necessary. Drop by anytime. All are welcome! Scan the QR Code for more information or click HERE.


white candles on black surface
Black Lives Matter Vigil

Black Lives Matter Vigil, takes place the third Friday of the Month at the corner of Manchester and Kingshighway, 4:30-5:30 p.m.  The next vigil will take place on Friday, April 18.  Please join us!