The mission of the Church is to joyfully evangelize and catechize; to tell the Good News of salvation in an age appropriate manner in order to form active disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is a LIFE-long mission. It involves:
L– learning of salvation history and the teachings of the Catholic Church
I – integrating or connecting that knowledge of God’s love into everyday life
F– faithful followers, worshiping, praying and serving others in response to that divine love.
E– engaging others by introducing them to Jesus Christ through our words and deeds.
The Children’s Faith Formation program at St. Cronan strives to provide a balanced presentation of these aspects of discipleship. Beginning with Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Stories of God’s Love (prek-Kndg) and RCL Benziger’s Be My Disciple text series (gr 1-8), the children are presented with scripture, teachings, explanations and lived out prayer and worship. They are assisted in connecting this to their everyday life and in making choices that lead to discipleship.
Sacraments are taught and celebrated as follows:
- First Eucharist – 2nd grade
- First Reconciliation – 3rd grade
- Confirmation – 8th grade
Dates & Times
Sessions meet September-May on the 1st and 3rd Sunday after the 10am Mass.
For more information, please contact Diane Gozdzialski by email at or call or 314-289-9384.